I'm a writer of magical realism, science fiction, fantasy, and weird short stories.

My work appeared in various magazines and anthologies in both English and Hungarian.

Examples include Red Phone Box: A Darkly Magical Story Cycle, Cthulhu Lives!, and, in Hungarian, 77 - Hetvenhét, and Rejtélyes ​tűz, to name just a few.

However, since you're already here on medium, the quickest way to get a feel for my writing is to read some stories right here. Obviously. :)

I'm also into graphic design and typography.

Clients I worked for include various English and Hungarian publishing houses and self-published authors, such as Ghostwoods Books, Greg Stolze, Agave Könyvek, Gabo, Delta Vision, (the old) Ad Astra, Prae.hu, and so on.

A visual example, the full cover for the hardcover edition of Haunted Futures:

(For credits, see the description here or the credits page in the book.)

You can see more examples over at my behance page or in my dA gallery. For simple, quick coffeebreak sketches, check my instagram.

My day job is in IT.

These days I work on test automation for an excellent company. However, this is my 100% personal page with my 100% personal projects, 100% private views and opinions, and so on… and that's about that. :)

I used to work in translation and localization as well.

Examples include, to name a few favorites: some short stories by Neil Gaiman, and (obviously team) work on triple-A videogame franchises like The Sims, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age.

I'm a pen and paper roleplaying games aficionado.

I used to write for and about ttrpgs (and about crpgs too, sure) for various publishers and magazines. I'm 90% a "forever GM". My current favorite games include ALIEN RPG, Changeling: the Dreaming, Call of Cthulhu, Neon City Overdrive, Vaesen, and Dungeons and Dragons (especially AD&D2e and D&D5e), of course.

Bonus linguistic trivia:

The name Gabor is the Hungarian equivalent of Gabriel, and it's a popular given name in Hungary. Yes, it occurs as a surname as well — you may have heard about Zsa Zsa Gabor (no relation at all), for example —, but that's more an exception.

Also, Hungarian follows the Eastern name order (family name followed by given name), just like Japanese and Chinese do. (Kinda strange, considering Hungary is located in Central Europe. It's in our historic roots, I guess.) So yes, Gabor Csigas and Csigas Gabor (or, more precisely, Csigás Gábor — note the diacritics!) both mean the same person.

Thank you for having read all this.

Gabor Csigas

Gabor Csigas

A writer of magical realism, sf&f, and weird lit. Published in English and Hungarian. Also a cover designer and a ttrpg GM. My views are my own & 100% personal.